12th century ceの例文


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  1. These sculptures dated from the 2nd century BC to the 12th century CE.
  2. Water control features are common among Mimbres branch sites from the 10th through 12th centuries CE.
  3. The airport is named after the 12th century CE Muslim geographer and cartographer Al-Idrisi.
  4. Brick walls of the Garhwal period ( 12th Century CE ) also have been found in excavations.
  5. During the 12th century CE in Karnataka, the Bhakti movement took the form of the Virashaiva movement.


  1. "12th centuries"の例文
  2. "12th century"の例文
  3. "12th century ad"の例文
  4. "12th century bc"の例文
  5. "12th century bce"の例文
  6. "12th century in germany"の例文
  7. "12th century renaissance"の例文
  8. "12th chess olympiad"の例文
  9. "12th chief directorate"の例文
  10. "12th chinese national games"の例文
  11. "12th century bc"の例文
  12. "12th century bce"の例文
  13. "12th century in germany"の例文
  14. "12th century renaissance"の例文

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